With the January arrest of the chief fundraiser for al-Qaeda, it’s been discovered that 911, which affected New Yorkers the most, was financed with funds raised in Brooklyn. Mohammed Ali Hassan Al Moayad, who was arrested in Germany on Jan. 10, transferred tens of millions of dollars to Osama bin-Laden, and most of it came from Brooklyn Muslims.
“The FBI undercover operation developed information that Al Moayad personally handed Osama Bin Laden $20 million from his terrorist fundraising network,” says FBI director Robert Mueller.
A Justice Dept. statement says, “Al Moayad even boasted of several meetings with Osama bin-Laden, and said he personally delivered the $20 million to Bin Laden, with much of this money coming from contributors in the United States, including Brooklyn. In one meeting with the informant, Al Moayad said he had received money for the jihad [holy war] that was collected at the Al Farouq mosque in Brooklyn.”
What really happened on 911?
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