Dave Louthan, who has been interviewed on Dreamland and mentioned in our newsletter several times, is an authentic hero who caught the USDA in a lie and forced them to start inspecting many more cattle for Mad Cow Disease. Now he needs our help. We’ve sent him a check. Please read his letter and consider doing the same.
“Hi, my name is Dave Louthan. I’m the killer of the mad cow. I’m also the USDA’s worst nightmare. They started lying the second that the word of a positive BSE test slipped out. I started contradicting them one minute later. I have blown their ‘based on science’ lies right out of the water.
“The State of California saw through the USDA’s crappy deceptions and announced today that all beef slaughtered and all beef shipped into California will be tested and it will not be sold until the results come back negative for mad cow. I testified at the Senate hearing in California where this started. See the testimony on my website. I have been kicking the USDA’s ass for 91 days, 20 hours a day, 7 days a week. I have talked to dozens of newspapers, radio and TV stations. I have driven thousands of miles. I have made hundreds of phone calls, spreading the word and crusading for safe-tested beef. I’ve had some victories and some defeats but I can see slowly but surely we’re winning. That’s the good news.
“Now the bad news: I’m out of money and I’m out of time. I’m flat broke and I have a family to feed. If I don’t find some kind of funding in the next few days I will be forced to drop out of the fight. I have asked animal rights groups, consumer groups, government and private agencies for help with no luck. My only means of support through all this was some really good people out there, reaching into their hard-earned funds to help. To these people I say: thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would have liked to do much more but the realities of life say it’s not going to happen. I knew early on I would not be able to save everybody, but hopefully I saved some. I will make this one last appeal to all of you for help in this fight against a corrupt government agency and a terrible disease in meat they are trying to trick you into eating. I won’t waste a nickle of your money. And I will kick the USDA’s ass. Donations can be made on my website through paypal or mailed to me at: PO Box 251, Moses Lake WA 98837. Take care.”
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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