Newswise – Leaving your significant other behind while you attend college or serve in the militatry can actually kindle a closer love affair. Contrary to popular belief, long-distance relationships tend to last as long?and sometimes longer?as relationships in which partners live close to each other.

Psychologist Mary Carole Pistole studied college students and found that one-third of college students were involved in a relationship with someone who lived in another city or state, because they were attending a different college. She says that these relationships tend to last longer because they work differently than geographically close ones.

“People involved in geographically close relationships maintain them through shared tasks, such as helping with household chores. They may also do more things together, like shop, eat out, watch TV and see movies,” Pistole says. But this familiarity can breed boredom because they already feel like they know everything there is to know. In contrast, couples involved in long distance relationships are always “new” to their partners. “Long-distance partners have more open communication, talk more about the relationship, have fewer trivial arguments, segment work and relationship time, and have high-quality time together, which might create a closeness not seen in those who see each other every day,” she says.

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