Accuweather is predicting that the remains of HurricaneWilma and Tropical Storm Alpha could meet in the Atlanticsouth of the US midatlantic states on Tuesday and createsevere weather conditions in the area. Under the headline”Super Storm 2005 to Hit Northeast,” Accuweather explainsthat Wilma and the remains of Tropical Storm Alpha will bepulled north along the Atlantic coast by the action of theJet Stream.
They will become a large low pressure system off theVirginia Capes. The ‘super-storm’ that will result willcause wind, rain, snow and flooding in the Northeast.Accuweather warns that there is the possibility of severewind damage on coastal areas, and that the wind and snowcould damage trees that have not yet shed their leaves.Parts of New England and the Mid-Atlantic states couldreceive upwards of 10″ of rainfall. The New Hampshire Bureauof Emergency Management has warned that the state’s ripariansystem cannot handle more than 2″ more rainfall withoutflooding.
Flash flood watches and warnings have been put in effect tocentral New York State and southern Vermond, and winterstorm watches for the northern parts of those states.
Whitley Strieber and Art Bell were laughed at when theypublishedSuperstorm in1999. Nobody is laughing now. If you have a copy, give oneto a friend!
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