Julie Pearce has purchased an alien detector designed by aserious scientist, but she doesn’t know if it will work yet.
The apparatus contains colored strobe lights in a triangularpattern, low-powered laser beams refracted through a quartzcrystal, a radio transmitter and gauges that trackatmospheric changes associated with extraterrestrialencounters. A piece of Labradorite hangs from a chainattached to the machine. This mineral is said to be found inlocations where extraterrestrial encounters occur. Pearcepurchased it after she read an online ad placed by thedeceased inventor’s children.
The inventor, Myron Muckerheide, a pioneer in lasertechnology, died in December 2003 at the age of 73. Hisdaughter says, “He wasn’t saying there were or weren’t(aliens), but if there were, he wanted to get them on tape.”
Were aliens here the past and will they show themselves inthe future? Dr. Bruce Goldberg presents hypnotic exercisesdesigned to guide youbackwardand forward through time.
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