Astronauts have seen UFOs on the moon, and astronomers have noticed unusual features about objects passing between the earth and the moon, features which have never been made public.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who is now 80, feels that an alien presence may be here, but that it is being held secret for religious and perhaps military reasons. He was the sixth man to walk upon the moon, and even though he didn’t see any extraterrestrials there, what he DID experience there has formed his subsequent theories about who the visitors are. Mitchell is one of the people who wrote a "blurb" for the cover of Whitley’s new book "Solving the Communion Enigma."
In the January 30th edition of the Examiner, Larry Lowe writes, "From Edgar Mitchell’s perspective, the best minds of our civilization are not thinking comprehensively. Until they are, we as a species won’t likely get where evolution beckons us.
"His goal is correcting what he sees as a flaw in man’s approach to thinking induced in the 17th century. This mistake placed western scientific thinking within a box of materialist context. That, in turn, precludes complete understanding of the laws of the universe."
According to Lowe, Mitchell believes that we are still stuck in a "Faustian" bargain with the Church, which we first made in the 17th century. He writes, "The philosophical dividing line left consciousness exclusive to religion in exchange for science getting the freedom to investigate everything else. Science got chemistry, physics, mathematics, geology, biology and other disciplines which have shaped western technological civilization. The church got spirits, miracles, prayer and an unseen presence that oversees everything.
"The catch-22 is that while you cannot understand everything scientifically until you take consciousness into account, if you are a scientist you can’t take consciousness into account."
But quantum physics has changed all that (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). Lowe continues: "Integrating consciousness into the theory of everything would go a long way towards explaining a range of so-called ‘paranormal’ occurrences, spoon-bending, telepathy, precognition, the apparent teleportation of objects and similar phenomena described in Mitchell’s book ‘The Way of the Explorer.’"
Lowe sums up Mitchell’s thinking this way: "The tantalizing prospect that understanding how the ephemeral awareness of consciousness interacts with classical and quantum physics might lead to an explanation of the fantastic and unbelievable behavior of certain observable phenomena that are lumped into the category of UFOs."
To listen to Dreamland’s archived report on the anomalous object that passed the moon, subscribers click here.
To listen to Dreamland’s archived interview with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, subscribers click here.
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