Contrary to popular belief, the first UFO was not seen bypilot Kenneth Arnold in 1947. The first UFO sightingrecorded in modern times took place on November, 17, 1882when the British Royal Observatory at Greenwich described “astrange celestial visitor–a circular object glowing green.”

The observatory offered no theory regarding the object,beyond recording it in the sighting log for the day.

Ironically, the skeptics claim that professional astronomersnever see UFOs, forgetting the the first UFO seen in moderntimes was recorded by some of the most skilled professionalastronomers of their day.

Want to read the finest UFO books ever written by aprofessonal observer? Dr. Paul Hill’s Unconventional FlyingObjects is such a book. As one of NASA’s leading engineers,he was the epitome of a skilled professional observer, andhe personally had some of the best UFO sightings ever. Don’tmiss this classic! Clickhere to order.

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