For the past two years, has beenfollowing the ongoing story of ice blocks falling from thesky. Spanish scientists who first studied the phenomenonhave dubbed the ice blocks “megacyrometeors,” AstrobiologistJesus Martinez-Frias has said stated that he’s concernedthat large blocks of ice are forming where they shouldn’t.
Previously, megacyrometeors have generally fallen in winter,but one that fell in Seattle on November 4 is an earlyseason exception. It broke through the roof of a house andfragmented into a child’s bedroom. Nobody was injured in theincident, and the weight of the megacyrometeor could not beestimated because it fractured on impact. However, it wasprobably in excess of 25 pounds, because of the damage itdid to the house.
The largest megacyrometeor ever recorded weighed 440 pounds.It fell in Brazil. In 2002, an ice block half the size of acar crashed through the roof of an automobile dealership inLawrenceville, Georgia. In January of 2000,ice chunksweighing up to 6.6 pounds crashed down from cloudless skiesin Spain for 10 days. Most ice blocks fall in January,February and March.
Atmospheric researchers believe that the phenomenon takesplace because of the increasing difference between thetemperature of the stratosphere and the lower atmosphere, ortroposphere. The ultra-cold upper atmosphere causes largeice blocks to form when conditions are right, even aroundcrystals from jet contrails or ice that forms on wings, butmore usually in thunderstoms.
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