A company in the U.K. has produced the world’s first inflatable church. You could blow it up and use it as a temporary place to have a wedding. It could also be handy for congregations that can’t afford a church building; they could blow it up in an empty parking lot on Sundays and deflate it the rest of the week.
It’s 47 feet high from ground to steeple, 47 feet long and 25 feet wide, has a blow-up organ, altar, pulpit, pews, candles and “stained glass” windows, and holds 60 people. The inventor, Michael Gill, says, “I wanted to launch it at the Christian Resource Center so I could get the stamp of approval of the Christian sector?It could have been easy to have upset a large part of the human race with this but the reaction so far has been absolutely phenomenal.”
Gill now plans to create an inflatable pub (for the wedding reception?)
If future civilizations identify us by the mysterious relics we leave behind, this one will certainly baffle them.
To see a photo of the inflatable church,click here.
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