Approximately fifty people have reported problems with our new internet radio player. Most of these problems have been due to the fact that the individual’s computer is not correctly set up. Some of them have been due to the fact that we were using our old MP3 files. We are now using Windows Media Player files, so everybody who was getting failed attempts by Quicktime or RealPlayer to open our player, or no sound from our player, should now have no problem unless your computer is not configured with Windows Media Player or does not have sound. There has been annoying buffering due to heavy use. We will attempt to correct this problem. If it is intrinsic to the new system, we will move to another system or go back to Live365.
People with old browser versions may not succeed in using our player. You should update to a recent browser version, and the latest Windows Media Player.
To correct other problems, you need to get help from Microsoft technical support or your manufacturer.
Dreamland is broadcast live on Saturday nights from 6 to 10 pm Pacific time. Shows are posted online approximately an hour after they air.
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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