In front of 40 board members, investment banker John Merriman got a radio-frequency ID tag implanted in his upper arm. This is an extension of military technology which allows downed pilots to be identified. It may also be inspired by ET technology.

Merriman’s implant contains his living will, so it can be read in case of emergency. VeriChip, the company that made the implant, says that in the near future, almost everyone will have an implanted ID. So far, only about 50 people in the US have one.

A chip is much handier than a metal ID bracelet. Dogs and cats are being implanted with these chips in case they become lost and lose their ID tags. The chip is implanted right under the skin with a syringe. It can then be read with a special device. Only an anonymous 16-code number. This number can then be entered into a database.

VeriChip has implanted ID implants into 100 corpses for the Mississippi State Department of Health, and is also planning to implant corpses from the New Orleans flood. These chips will give information about where the bodies were found so they can later be identified. The bodies being implanted are now decomposing and some of them have been partially eaten by alligators. They have no wallets or ID cards left. Implants are important when the body is so decomposed that the usual toe tag cannot be used.

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Anne Strieber has an implant permanently in her scalp that can be adjusted with a special magnet. Whitley has an implant in his ear that he thinks may have helped him communicate with the Master of the Key. Many other people have contacted about their implants. Should they be removed? Where else are you going to find discussions from the edge like this? Subscribe today!

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