Musicians of all kinds are being asked to play at festivals that turn out to be Neo-Nazi gatherings. Peter Haworth and his Celtic band were getting ready to play at “Euro-Fest 2003” when he noticed something wrong. He says, “You should have seen what they were selling there! They had Mein Kampf and little baby blankets in blue and white with little swastikas all over them. It was horrible.”
Mark Potok reports in the Southern Poverty Law Center that many innocent musicians are being seduced into playing at Nazifests. At the “Euro-Fest,” women in Bavarian outfits sold copies of “ABC: Aryan Beginnings for Children,” and “Talk Back,” a White Student Alliance publication. Photos were on sale of beautiful blonde girls giving the Nazi salute.
Haworth says, “We were scared. We had a signed contract to play. And you have to understand, one of our band members is Jewish. We were worried.”
The idea behind these Nazifests is to draw in white audiences by appealing to their ethnic roots by presenting things like Celtic, Scottish, German or Polish bands and dancers, then try to indoctrinate them.
National Alliance official William Pierce said they staged festivals in Cleveland in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001 and 2002 because “there are a lot of relatively unassimilated ethnic communities still there.” Between 200 and 300 people attended each event, which Pierce described as “an effort to help people develop a sense of ethnic consciousness, ethnic identity.
“I circulate among the crowd,” he said. “If we recruit 20 or 30 people out of 300 or 350 people coming to one of these, then it’s been very successful. We don’t push them. There’s no arm-twisting at these events.”
At the end of the concert Haworth played at, a man gave a speech about the importance of Darwin and killing off the weak, especially the Jews. At the end, he led the crowd in a series of Nazi salutes.
The next time you attend a concert or festival, check around for those Nazi baby blankets.
How can there be so much hate in the world, when we’re all part of the same field of energy?
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