Police are investigating the discovery of the body of a 60-year old Los Angeles man, who’s home had apparently been stocked with over 1,200 firearms, 14 modified vehicles, seven tons of ammunition, and $230,000 in cash.

While these details might seem a bit odd, there is also the issue that his body was left in his car for two weeks before his fiancée reported his death to authorities. She initially delayed reporting this, since she assumed that his body would be retrieved by the secret government agency that he worked for, as he had told her that he was a human-alien hybrid that was here to help save humanity.

In their investigation, police found no traces of illegal activity that might have funded Jeffrey Alan Lash’s private arsenal, and do not suspect that they were being collected to conduct illegal activities with.

The story of Lash being a government-sponsored human-alien hybrid came to light when the mother of Lash’s fiancée’s employee, of whom left for Oregon after Lash’s death, became worried for her daughter. "I can’t believe this," Laura VadBunker said. "It’s worse than a Twilight Zone movie. He was part alien and part human and was out to save the world."

Listen to this week’s Dreamland as witnesses speak frankly about what Lash and a friend of his told them about themselves. To listen, click here.

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