Twenty-one people died in Arizona from the heat, and itreached 117 F in Las Vegas, tying a record set in 1942. Nowthe brutal heat has moved east, and triple digittemperatures are expected across the midwest, with heatadvisories in most states east of the Mississippi.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world, Siberian forests areburning due to record drought and heat, and a dust cloudfrom the Sahara desert the size of the US is moving acrossFlorida, South Texas and Mexico.
European temperatures have moderated after records were setearlier in the week across much of the area. Fortunately,the heat this summer has not been so intense or prolongedthat it has resulted in any known European deaths.
Meanwhile climate scientists in the US were under pressurefromcongressmen,who have been trying to put a chill on their profession bymaking demands for detailed records of all their grants,research and activities, in an effort to frighten them intosilence.
Why is the weather like this and what’s next? Read WhitleyStrieber’sSuperstorm.
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