Los Angeles-based search engine company Do-Mode.com has published a list of specific absorption radiation, or SAR, for most brands of cellphone. This revealing list was compiled from Federal Communications Commission information. The cellphone that puts out the most SAR radiation is the Ericsson T28 World model, which emits 1.49 watts per kilogram. Motorola’s Star-Tac Model 7860 has the lowest SAR out put, at 0.24 watts per kilo. It is believed that the 1.6 SAR output level has a substantial safety margin built into it, but there are also serious questions about cellphone safety that remain unanswered. The FCC itself is preparing a report on the health effects of cellphones, due out in 2004.
For more on cellphone safety, go to Featured Articles under Website Advenutres. For the full SAR emission list, go to: a patented device designed to reduce the amount of ceullular radiation reaching the head of the user. The product consists of two small ceramic shields which can be affixed in the earpiece and beside the antenna of any cellphone. According to the patent, the use of these ceramics reduces RF emission into the head of the user.
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