Scientists now know that we share 97% of our DNA with chimpanzees, which is positive proof of evolution. Human and chimpanzee Y chromosomes went their separate ways approximately 6 million years ago. We recently wrote about bee and bird communication. Now it turns out that chimps have a language as well, which they use mainly to share food information, and scientists have now deciphered it.
John von Radowitz writes in the Independent about the discovery that chimps make different calls when they are given different kinds of food. High grunts mean pleasure, while low grunts denote food that’s not especially worth eating. Like many humans, chimps love carbs and dislike fruits and vegetables. Other chimps seem to comprehend the information that these different grunts are conveying.
Zoologists tested this by feeding first bread, then apples, to chimps at the Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland and recording the resulting grunts. When they played these sounds to another group of chimps, they responded more positively to the higher grunts and looked around avidly for food, while the low grunts didn’t interest them.
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If YOU like carbs too much, you need help from Anne Strieber’s diet book, What I Learned From the Fat Years which is being serialized for FREE every week on this website. Her new chapter, “Fear of Food,” has just been posted. If you subscribe today, you can still hear her interview with rock singer Carnie Wilson, where they have a mouthwatering discussion of their favorite foods.
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