On Dreamland on July 29, Jim Marrs warned that China has been testing electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against US aircraft carriers in any future conflict over Taiwan, and now press reports are appearing that such research is taking place.
In the July 22nd edition of the Washington Times, Bill Gertz writes that "EMP weapons mimic the gamma-ray pulse caused by a nuclear blast that knocks out all electronics, including computers and automobiles, over wide areas. The phenomenon was discovered in 1962 after an aboveground nuclear test in the Pacific disabled electronics in Hawaii." A recently declassified intelligence report states that in addition to EMP weapons, "any low-yield strategic nuclear warhead (or tactical nuclear warheads) could be used with similar effects."
Gertz quotes the report as saying, "China’s [high-altitude] EMP capability could be used in two different ways: as a surprise measure after China’s initial strike against Taiwan and other US (aircraft carrier strike group) assets have moved into a vulnerable position, and as a bluff intended to dissuade the United States from defending Taiwan with a CVBG," (the Pentagon acronym for carrier strike groups). The United States passed a law in 1979 to prevent the forcible reunification of the island with the mainland, and China has said it is prepared to use force to claim the island.
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