All over the world, people are moving into cities from the countryside, because young people want jobs and older people want a more convenient lifestyle. These changes could significantly affect global emissions of carbon dioxide over the next 40 years. By mid-century it is estimated that global population could rise by more than 3 billion people, with most of that increase occurring in urban areas. Growth in urban populations could lead to as much as a 25% rise in projected carbon dioxide emissions in some developing countries, due to the increased economic growth associated with city dwellers, which is directly correlated with increased emissions, largely due to the higher productivity and consumption preferences of an urban labor force. Researcher Shonali Pachauri says, "A slowing of population growth in developing countries today will have a large impact on future global population size. However, slower population growth in developed countries will matter to emissions, too, because of higher per capita energy use." Don’t forget where you heard about climate change FIRST, while everyone else was still denying it. Help us keep the truth alive: Subscribe today!
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