Unknowncountry.com’s Climate Watch predicts powerful winter storms for northern and central North America and into the US Atlantic Seaboard this year. The winter started out very hard in Siberia, which experienced a record cold and snowy October. This weather pattern is already extending into the US and Canada. At the same time, warm, moist air generated by the 2015 el Nino is driving up through the central US, where it will continually collide over the course of the winter with cold air being driven southward by cold polar air, which has slipped southward due to a temperature drop and freshening of the water in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans. This, in turn, is due to runoff from rapidly melting Greenland glaciers. The result of all this is that, while the northern part of the Northern Hemisphere will experience a harsh, cold winter, higher up in the arctic, temperatures will remain well above normal.
Since its inception in 2000, Climate Watch has been one of the most accurate predictors of medium and long term weather patterns available.
The image used in this story depicts a fast-forming wedge tornado that appeared over Kansas on November 16. To watch ForeverChasingVideo’s dramatic video of this event, click here.
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