A new U.K. crop circle near Silbury Hill, which appearedduring two nights in August, features symbols from theancient Mayan civilization that predicted the end of theworld in 2012.
In bbcnews.com, Neil Leighton quotes crop circle researcherFrancine Blake as saying, “[In the crop circle,] The Moonhas a cycle around the Earth, the Earth has a cycle aroundthe Sun, the Solar System has a cycle in the Milky Way. That[the galaxy cycle] takes 26,000 years, and this particularcalendar is coming to the end of that cycle. That long cycleends in 2012?it’s the end of a cycle, the end of a time. Anew era is starting for the solar system. Just like the erafor the Romans stopped and something else started, we aregoing from era to era and this is the end of one of them.”
Researcher Ray Cox says, “We started out studying thesubject from a scientific angle?and there is still amystery. We still don’t know their origin. They go back indecades, centuries, but these have been simple roundcircles, maybe with a ring round them. You didn’t get theelaborate ones in years gone by. These have only happenedsince the 1980s.”
Some people think the elaborated circles are hoaxed, whileother people who examine them say there is no way peoplecould have produced such intricate patterns in so short a time.
Subscribers:Listen toLucyPringle, who lives and works in crop circle country, tellall about the amazing new circles there. Her 2005 cropcircle calendar is now available, and you get her 2004calendar free!
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