Newswise – ?Not in airplanes, but in the kitchen! Physicians say that long pointed kitchen knives should be banned to reduce deaths from stabbing. This will make certain kitchen chores harder for those of us who want to use the knives for cutting, not crime, but British doctors say that kitchen knives are used in half the stabbings in their country, and many of these assaults are committed impulsively by people under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
The doctors say there is no reason for long pointed knives to be publicly available at all, having little practical value in the kitchen. They consulted top chefs in the UK, and none of them felt these knives were necessary, since the point of a short blade is just as useful for food preparation as the point of a long one. While a short pointed knife can be used in an attack, it won’t penetrate the inner organs of the body, which is the real danger in stabbing.
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