Linda Howe, our Dreamland science reporter, wants to let Earthfiles and Dreamland audiences know about two important conferences upcoming in November. Popular Dreamland guests and guest hosts Jim Marrs and William Henry will also speak these conferences. Keep reading for details.
The first conference is the Third Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas on November 4-6. Jim Marrs will give the keynote speech, about the current merging of science and magic or alchemy. He will demonstrate how our our precipitate attack on Iraq may have more to do with gaining control over ancient anti-gravity technology than it does with oil. Not everyone knows this, but Jim is also the author of a definitive book about ETs.
November 18-21 in Tempe, Arizona, Linda, who has had some incredible crop circle sightings of her own, will be speaking at a conference with the theme of “Crop Circles, Mary Magdalene and Sacred Geometry.” Linda, Jim and William are all looking forward to meeting our listeners and readers.
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