Due to low sunspot activity – The Earth’s atmosphere has collapsed. New discoveries show that it rises and falls in tandem with the Sun’s cycle, and the sunspot cycle has been unusually weak lately (although it appears to be reactivating–or is it?).
Sunspots are set off by a magnetic field, and despite recent signs of them starting up again, they seem to be continuing their decline. Some scientists predict that by 2016 there may be NO more sunspots, and that this condition may last for 20 years. The last time this happened was in the 17th and 18th century, during what has come to be known as the Little Ice Age. Solar minimums usually last for around 16 months, but the current one has already lasted 26 months, making it the longest one in 100 years.
Space.com quotes astronomer Stanley Solomon as saying, “Our work demonstrates that the solar cycle not only varies on the typical 11-year time scale, but also can vary from one solar minimum to another. All solar minima are not equal.”
During an atmospheric collapse, the layer in the upper atmosphere known as the thermosphere shrinks and is less dense, meaning that satellites can more easily maintain their orbits. But space debris, which is a hazard to satellites and the International Space Station (ISS), may last longer in this type of thermosphere.
Space.com quotes astronomer Thomas Woods as saying, “With lower thermospheric density, our satellites will have a longer life in orbit. This is good news for those satellites that are actually operating, but it is also bad because of the thousands of non-operating objects remaining in space that could potentially have collisions with our working satellites. If it is indeed similar to certain patterns in the past, then we expect to have low solar cycles for the next 10 to 30 years.”
A team of scientists discovered an unexpectedly abrupt cooling event that occurred between roughly 1968 and 1972 in Northern Hemisphere ocean temperatures. This cooling played a key role in the different rates of warming seen in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres in the middle 20th century. Atmospheric scientist David W.J. Thompson says, “We knew that the Northern Hemisphere oceans cooled during the mid-20th century, but the sudden nature of that cooling surprised us.”
Researcher John M. Wallace says, “We don’t know why the Northern Hemisphere ocean areas cooled so rapidly around 1970. But the cooling appears to be largest in a climatically important region of the ocean.”
Meanwhile, when it comes to the current cooling cycle, PhysOrg.com, Lin Edwards quotes astronomer William Livingston as saying, “Only the passage of time will tell whether the solar cycle will pick up.”
“Mankind is trapped. I want to help you spring the trap.””The veil between the worlds can fall. The undiscovered country can become your backyard.””Your destiny, each of you, is to become all of God.”Find out who said these provocative words and first alerted Whitley to the facts about global warming, which he then wrote about in his book which became the hit film The Day After Tomorrow.
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