Egypt has warned the United States that the latest Israeli military offensive against the Palestinians could spread into a confrontation with the entire Arab world.

President Hosni Mubarak has told Washington it will not tolerate Israeli destruction of the government of Yasser Arafat. He has made a pledge to Arafat that Egypt will preserve the Palestinian Authority.

Mubarak spoke with Bush by telephone last week and called for an end to the Israeli military campaign. Earlier, he warned in an interview with a Lebanese new agency that Israel will be the main victim in any regional conflict.

Egypt?s defense chiefs say the nation is prepared for war. ?The recent developments require the Egyptian armed forces to preserve a high level of preparedness and readiness to confront any challenge and threat,? says Egyptian Defense Minister Hussein Tantawi.

To learn more about this situation, read ?The Last Days of Israel? by Barry Chamish,click here.

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