We’re used to being judged as second-rate among first-world countries, when it comes to health care, but at least we’re number one when it comes to universities. But we DO have an emergency, when it comes to our emergency services.
International educational experts say we have the best universities of all, based on Nobel prizes won and peer-reviewed articles published by professors. The list ranks Harvard University as number one in the world. The next is Cambridge in the UK, with Oxford coming in at tenth place.
But despite our high number of talented graduates, Christian Nordqvist writes in Medical News Today that our emergency medical system is in crisis. Ambulances are routinely turned away from emergency departments in hospitals and when patients finally do get admitted, they often have to wait for hours?or even days?for a bed. A major national event, like an earthquake or another terrorist attack, would be a disaster.
Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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