For years, NASA has claimed that images of strange objects picked up by Space Shuttle cameras and satellites are nothing but camera errors or misidentified images.
But now hundreds of UFOs have been captured by the European SOHO satellite, which was sent out to observe the sun. Euroseti founder Mike Murray says, “They are the archetypal flying saucers?disc-shaped objects with some kind of glow around them. Many have a pulsing light and leave a trail behind them?The first thing we did when we got the images was to speak to NASA, who said it was a camera fault. But by enhancing the images we proved this wasn’t the case.”
NASA also said the objects could be asteroids or comets, but this doesn?t explain the way they move independently and make sharp turns.
If you live in the U.K., you can see for yourself, since Euroseti will have an exhibition of the UFO images at the National Space Center on January 24-26. The images come from a Barcelona businessmen who picked them up from the satellite, using a giant home satellite dish.
If you’re in the U.K., check out those SOHO images. Don?t you wish we could see some of the UFO images NASA must be hiding? It’s time for NASA and the US to admit that these objects are genuine unknowns in need of honest study. Fortunately, other nations do not share the US obsession with secrecy and scientific ultra-conservatism.
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