Discovery of a 5,200 year old soft-bodied plant frozen in glacial ice in Peru reveals evidence of a massive and long-lasting climate change that happened amazingly quickly. In order for the plant to have been quick-frozen rather than killed by frost, it must have been covered by a massive snowfall that took place over just a few hours. Since then, the plant has remained frozen and has not been thawed, meaning that once this snowfall took place, no melt occurred for over five thousand years, until now. Is this evidence of a past Superstorm? Scientists are working to understand the mechanism behind what is being called an “astounding” finding. Historical data indicates that there was a sudden worldwide climactic event 5,200 years ago, but until this discovery it had not been realized that, at least in some areas of the world, it brought a total transformation of climate from temperate to freezing in perhaps as little as a few days, and that the change became permanent.
If such an event were to happen again, it would cause worldwide chaos and the deaths possibly of billions, and the collapse of civilizations. Scientists are urgently seeking answers in the ice fields of the Peruvian highlands.
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