Effective immediately, the FBI has issued a terror alert of a possible attack on the United States or US interests in Yemen on or around Tuesday, February 12. Believed to be involved in the possible attack is Fawaz Yahya Al-Rabeei, a Yemeni national traveling on Yemini Passport 00452004. His whereabouts are unknown. There is no evidence that he has entered the United States.
In addition to Al-Rabeei, a number of other individuals, most of them Yemeni nationals, are believed to be involved. For full details of their names, go to the FBI website listed below.
The intelligence information that the alert is based on was not specific about possible targets. But a senior law enforcement official says the alert is ?absolutely not? linked to Salt Lake City. ?It is not directed at the Games in any way.? The alert was prompted by recent information from interviews of al-Qaeda prisoners in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
To reach the FBI ‘Seeking Information’ page, click here.
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