In the days prior to the gigantic earthquake that devastatedSichuan province in China, oddswarmsof frogs were seen inthe streets of cities in the area, and have subsequentlybeen identified as unusual animal behavior of the type thatis thought by some geologists to precede earthquakes. Now ithas developed that similar frog appearances have been takingplace inBakersfield,California for about two weeks, andnobody is sure why. Strange swarms of frogs also appearedbefore the 6.9LomaPrieta Earthquake in October of 1989.
The frogs are emerging from a drainage ditch and are beingobserved in swarms of hundreds by local residents. Nobodycan remember a frog swarm like this in the area. The animalsappear to be emerging from a drainage ditch, and it ispossible that a lack of natural predators in the water hasallowed the overgrowth of frogs.
A more controversial earthquake sign islinearclouds, orclouds that appear arrayed in lines, such as those shown inthis photograph, which was taken in Shandong Province, alsoon May 9, 2 days prior to the Sichuan quake. So far, suchclouds have not been observed by Unknowncountry.comcorrespondents in California, but should you see a similarformation, please photograph it and send the picture to usat
If you live in California, do consider makingpreparations for an earthquake. If you have made such preparations,check your supplies, especially water supplies, and reviewyour family emergency plan. However, there is no conclusiveevidence that the Bakersfield toads represent more than adisturbing coincidence. There are far fewer of them thanappeared in China, and they have been swarming for twoweeks. The frogs in China appeared just two days before thequake took place, and in much greater numbers.
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