Relatively new to the app game, Enigma touts itself as the “#1 destination for UFO sighting alerts.” Since recent drone activity and its coverage has surged; the app has hit “nearly a million downloads” says the New York Post – and user uploaded videos have increased by 74%.  Offering users a real time tracking option, similar to the crime and safety watch app Citizen, Enigma is now surging in popularity as users flock to the app to report and watch the recent uptick in unexplained drones swarming prominent sites in the US, the UK, and elsewhere.  

In Whitley’s Journal this week read his account of exactly how unexplainable this drone activity is.  

Government statements and media are falling in line with explanations that the drones are largely recreational, or related to law-enforcement, and as such should not be seen as a threat.  

The mystery of the drones, who is flying them, and why their blatant disregard of FAA regulation goes unchecked – continues…

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  1. I don’t really consider NY Post a credible news source. I’ve been a long time fan of Whitley but I’m disappointed to see that a NY Post article is being regurgitated.

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