The “Mozart Effect” refers to the fact that listening to Mozart?but not any other music?has been shown to improve learning and memory. Now scientists have found that Mozart’s music actually changes the connections between brain cells.
Emily Singer writes in New Scientist that neuroscientist Fran Rauscher discovered the Effect in 1993, after college students who listened to Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major for 10 minutes performed better on reasoning tests than students who listened to other music or none at all. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease perform better on social tasks after listening to a Mozart sonata, and playing Mozart for epileptics suppresses the electrical activity associated with seizures, while other kinds of music don’t have the same effect.
Rauscher has found that the Mozart Effect even works for rats, which may help scientists do research that can eventually lead to music therapies for brain diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Coded information has been found deep within the DNA of our bodies that can be read as a message in a number of ancient biblical alphabets. This proves we’re part of a greater existence, and the mark of our creator is contained in every living cell.
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