The Kaz II, a 40 foot yacht, has been foundoff the Australian coast with its occupants missing. So far,a search has failed to turn up any signs of the three peopleon the boat. The only sign of trouble was a ripped sail. Theboat was found with the engine running and a table laid fordinner. If violent weather had been the cause of thedisappeareance, the interior of the yacht would have shownsome signs of disturbance. This is reminiscent of another incident that occurred off the Australian coast, when aplane andits pilot disappeared after the pilot reported sighting a UFO.
On October 21, 1978, a Cessna piloted by Frederick Valentichdisappeared between the Australian mainland and Tasmania,after Valentich, who was a UFO enthusiast, reported by radiothat his plane was being approached by a large unknownobject. Valentich was never found.
The Kaz II was found off the coast of eastern Australia,hundreds of miles from where Valentich disappeared.
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