A new global warming study predicts what current climates will VANISH entirely by the year 2100, replaced by climates that are unknown in today’s world.
Global climate models for the next century forecast the complete disappearance of several existing climates currently found in tropical highlands and regions near the poles, while large areas of the tropics may develop new climates unlike anything seen today.
Geographer Jack Williams compares today’s environmental analysts to 15th-century European mapmakers confronted with the New World, struggling to chart unknown territory. He says, “We want to identify the regions of the world where climate change will result in climates unlike any today.”
The most severely affected parts of the world span both heavily populated regions, including the southeastern United States, southeastern Asia and parts of Africa, and known hotspots of biodiversity, such as the Amazonian rainforest and African and South American mountain ranges. The changes predicted by the new study anticipate dramatic ecological shifts, with extensive effects on large segments of the Earth’s population.
According to Williams, one of the major problems in forecasting the climate future is that “All policy and management strategies are based on current conditions?How do you make predictions for these areas of the unknown?” At this point, Williams says, “We don’t know which bad things will happen or which good things will happen?we just don’t know. We are in for some ecological surprises.”
Art credit: gimp-savvy.com
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