Speculation about the investigation of Federal ProsecutorPatrick Fitzgerald into the Valerie Plame affair has reacheda fever pitch in the conspiracy community, along with claimsthat there will be a terrorist attack staged in the UnitedStates in August to deflect public attention from theactivities of the Chicago Grand Jury. Whether or not any ofthis is true remains to be seen, but the intensity of theclaims is unusual.
For example, Libertarian muckraker Tom Flocco has just posted an article on his website,TomFlocco.com claiming thatGeorge W. Bush, Karl Rove and numerous others have beenindicted by the Chicago Grand Jury convened to investigatethe Valerie Plame leak.
Flocco claims that US Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgeraldhas indicted President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, BushChief ofStaff Andrew Card, Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis “Scooter”Libby, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former AttorneyGeneral John Ashcroft, imprisoned New York Times reporterJudith Miller and former Senior Cheney advisor Mary Matalin.
Flocco says, “Besides the Valerie Plame CIA leak case, theFitzgerald probeis reportedly far-reaching and expanding much deeper intopast White House criminal acts involving Bush-Clinton drugmoney laundering in Mena, Arkansas to White House involvementin 9.11; but also for sending America’s young people to theirdeaths or to be maimed in Iraq and Afghanistan under falsepretenses.”
He also claims that British Prime Minister Tony Blair hasbeen indicted, and is consulting with British officialsabout how to respond to extradition demands.
Whether or not any of this is true remains to be seen, butthe presence of such a story in the far-right press is anindication of just how much ferment there is behind thescenes in the conservative movement, and the extraordinarydegree of unease caused by the Fitzgerald investigation.
If such indictments really are being handed down, thenanother extremist fear must also be addressed: the WhiteHouse will be desperate for some means of distracting publicattention from the Grand Jury proceedings.
How far might they go to derail the investigation, if itreally is as far-reaching as Flocco claims? Read the opinionof theAmerican Conservative.
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