Catastrophes that leave thousands homeless, such as theforest fires in the western U.S., are always tragic.However, global warming, which brings weather extremes suchas alternating drought and flooding, is even worse becauseit can wash away hundreds of years of human history andculture in a few weeks.
Due to heavy rains in the Czech Republic, water levels inthe medieval city of Prague are rising rapidly and may floodthe historic city. The exquisite 15th century Charles Bridgewhich connects the two halves of the city is now closed.40,000 people have been ordered to leave their homes, andPrime Minister Vladimir Spidla has told rescue teams to usereasonable force to remove those who refuse to go.
In Austria, historic Salzburg has been declared a disasterzone, with 1,000 buildings partially or totally submerged.The beautiful capital, Vienna, is also threatened. “Thescene is catastrophic,” says fire brigade commander WilfriedWeissgaerber. The Danube River has been closed and it?sfeared the river will rise by 30 feet, engulfing villagesand towns on its shores.
What does global warming mean for our future? Read ?TheComing Global Superstorm,? now only $9.95 for a hardcoversigned by Whitley Strieber and soon to be a major motionpicture,clickhere and scroll down.
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