One way to do it is to move to a third-world country. But how can we be happier while staying right where we are?

Psychologist Michael Frisch has discovered that As much as 50% of your happiness is genetic, so it’s inherited from your parents. What that means is that we inherit or basic serotonin level. Serotonin is our “happiness hormone” and can be elevated by meditation, certain foods and by sex.

The other 50% of our happiness is made up of 16 specific areas, ranging from health to goals to relationships. For many people, their spiritual life is vital to their happiness and fulfillment, probably because having faith allows people to be optimistic. Helping others is another key, and so are and strong, rewarding relationships with loved ones.

Surprisingly, wealth doesn’t seem to have much influence on how happy people are. Frisch found that while money can’t buy happiness, happiness CAN buy money. He says, “Happier people seem to have more initiative and productivity at work, and their customers and bosses are more satisfied, which can lead to a raise in pay.”

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How can we be happy when there are so many sinister forces all around us? Some people would say that it’s SMART to be paranoid?or maybe it’s the only way to think about the future.

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