The brave soldiers who went in to take out Osama bin-Laden must have wished they could be invisible. Scientists are determined to figure out how to do this. If we succeed, it would certainly be an effective tool to use in a war–but it would be effective for terrorists too. Researcher Joachim Fischer says that watching things disappear "is an amazing experience." But making items vanish is not the reason he creates tiny invisibility cloaks. This new technology, called "transformation optics" has learned how to manipulate light in ways long thought to be impossible. Alas, the cloaks Fischer creates can’t be worn to disguise yourself in a crowd–they are smaller than the width of a human hair–but you can lose yourself in a crowd of wonderful, LIKE-MINDED people at our wonderful Dreamland Festival in beautiful, musical Nashville in June, where you’ll meet other people who take UFOs and edge science seriously. Come join us, but hurry–tickets are almost SOLD OUT!
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