Brush your teeth! – Over the years, we’ve given you lots of tips about how to improve your memory, but brushing your teeth?
Researchers says that keeping your teeth brushed and flossed can help preserve your memory because gum disease has been linked to moderate memory loss. Researcher Richard Crout says, “Older people might want to know there’s more reason to keep their mouths clean (to brush and floss) than ever. You’ll not only be more likely to keep your teeth, but you’ll also reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke and memory loss.
“This could have great implications for health of our aging populations. With rates of Alzheimer’s skyrocketing, imagine the benefits of knowing that keeping the mouth free of infection could cut down on cases of dementia.”
Researchers don’t yet understand whether microorganisms in the mouth create health problems or whether the body’s inflammatory response is to blame. It may be a combination of both. Researchers also don’t know much about mild to moderate memory loss, even though the connection between severe dementia and gum disease is well known, Crout says.
Keep your teeth in good shape so you’ll be able to enjoy the meals and good conversation (not to mention the beers with Jim Marrs) at our Dreamland Festival this weekend and it’s NOT too late to get tickets!
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