For only the second time since monitoring began in 1912, there have been no icebergs reported in North Atlantic shipping lanes. The International Ice Patrol reports that anywhere up to a few thousand bergs normally drift southward from western Greenland to the Grand Banks off Newfoundland. Iceberg season, which runs from February to the end of July, normally brings hundreds of iceberg reports. The reason for the lack of icebergs is that waters around the Grand Banks are three to five degrees warmer than normal. This could mean that excessive melt is taking place, and flooding the sea with dangerous amounts of fresh water that could destabilize the North Atlantic Current, which is crucial to our present climate. How much warming of northern waters will be necessary to cause this to happen is unknown. (This topic is discussed in The Coming Global Superstorm, by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber, to be published by Pocket Whitley’s Books/Simon & Schuster on December 14.)
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