Indian geologists believe that a series of thunderousexplosions heard in the Kutch and Saurashtra regions ofGujarat in India may be related to seismic activity. Gujaratis located on the Arabian Seanorth of Mumbai (Bombay).A total of 384 tremors took place in the area in January andearly February. 356 of these were under 1.0 in intensity onthe Richter Scale.
Similar blasts were also heard in the Una, Kodinar, and Veravaltalukas of Junagadh district. Government officials claimedthat the sounds had caused no damage, but residents complainthat windows and walls have been damaged throughout the area.
There are numerous areas of the world experiencing loud,unexplained explosions at this time, but this is the firsttime scientists have linked them to seismic activity. Itshould be noted that sonic booms cause low-intensity butmeasurable earthquakes when they strike the ground, and thisshaking usually registers at a level of 1.0 to 2.0 on theRichter Scale.
For more information,clickhere.
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