Despite speculation that Osama bin-Laden may already bedead, recent tapes and videos have convinced intelligenceservices that he’s still alive. Since we now know why he’shiding (in an inaccessible mountainous area on the border ofAfghanistan and Pakistan), why don’t we just go get him? Weknow he has a deadly disease, so we may feel it’s easier towait for him to die.
Earlier reports said that Osama had bought a dialysismachine to use in his hideout. New reports say he hasperiodically gone into a hospital in Pakistan for dialysistreatment. Since no one tried to capture him there, thiscasts doubts on Pakistan’s role as our ally in the waragainst terrorism.
Richard Clarke, who worked for both the Clinton and Bushgovernments, says, ”Pak[istan’s] intel[ligence service] isin bed with bin-Laden and would warn him that the UnitedStates was getting ready for a bombing campaign.”
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