Sudden stratospheric warming has split the polar vortex in two. The polar vortex, which forms as the atmosphere loses heat to space in long Arctic winter night, was split in two by massive heating from below, as a series of intense storms in the far north Pacific intensified. Energy went upwards from the lower atmosphere around the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau and broke into the stratosphere, causing major sudden warming.
But wouldn’t that make it warmer instead of colder? Surprisingly, no–this creates SEVERE winter weather.
In the Daily Kos, "Fish Out of Water" explains that the warm air in the stratosphere radiates heat and sinks, then warms as it sinks by compressional heating. It causes a mound of relatively warm air and high pressure to develop around the pole (in this case, the North Pole). Cold air is pushed away from the pole, and heads down towards the rest of the globe.
This vortex will not only bring us cold winter next year, it will increase the likelihood of hurricanes and cause massive weaves off the shores of Hawaii. The vortex over North America has been pushing cold air over the United States.
In February, 2009, a major polar vortex splitting event unleashed cold air into the eastern United States and Europe, giving London its heaviest snow in 20 years.
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