When conspiracy theorists look at the JFK assassination and the UFO coverup, they are surprised to find that the same three government agents were active in both of them.
Hal McKenzie writes in cosmictribune.com that Kenn Thomas, editor of Steamshovel Press, says one of these agents is the CIA’s Fred Crisman, who played a role in the June, 1947 Maury Island UFO incident. Harold Dahl and 3 other people were in a boat when they saw 6 UFOs. One of them wobbled and dropped down, spewing out two different substances: thin white metal sheets and a black sticky substance. Dahel reported this to Crisman, who went to see the floating debris for himself and told a magazine publisher about it, who in turn hired Kenneth Arnold to investigate. Arnold had his own famous UFO sighting a few days later.
The debris was salvaged and loaded onto a B-25 bomber, which crashed. When the crash site was cleaned up, some of the debris was turned over to CIA agent Clay Shaw, who is one of the people New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison tried to indict in the JFK case.
Garrison said Crisman may also have been hired to kill Kennedy. In a report called the Torbitt Document, Crisman is named as one of three hoboes picked up in the rail yard behind the grassy knoll at Dealy Plaza.
Guy Banister, who employed Lee Harvey Oswald, is another name that Garrison associates with the JFK assassination. Banister was an FBI agent in the Pacific northwest at the time of the Maury Island case.
If only we could ask someone to tell us what’s really going on.
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