In his book The Secret School, which tells the story of hischildhood UFO encounters, Whitley recalls being in a UFOpowered by a motor made out of magnets. Now twocompanies?one in Japan and the other in Germany?have madesimilar magnetic motors. Andsubscribers canlisten to the audio of The Secret School this weekendABSOLUTELY FREE.
The Minato motor, developed in Japan, requires someelectrical input, but when connected to a generator, it canproduce about three times its own input power, yielding a200% net gain. It?s a closed-loop system that can produceelectrical power with no fuel or other energy input of any kind.
John Dodd describes in how Nobue Minato, thewife of the inventor, demonstrated the “Minato Wheel,” whichcontains a row of 16 magnets, for him by starting it up witha magnetic wand. The Perendev motor, developed by SouthAfrican inventor Michael Brady, uses a roughly similararrangement of powerful magnets, but evidently requires noexternal electrical input at all. Brady has upped the numberof magnets in his design from 6 to 18. Sterling D. Allanwrites in that Perendev is now takingorders for their magnet motors. Minato has already shipped40,000 magnetic motors to Japanese stores. According to thelaws of physics, you can’t get more energy out of a motorthan you put into it, but these motors seem to break that law.
Among the most legendary of ‘lost’ Whitley Strieber materialis his incredibly beautiful reading of the Secret School,and now the full three hour production will be available forour subscribersas a FREE DOWNLOAD in MP3 format! Beginning this Saturday,subscribers will be able to download this beautifullyproduced audio book, and thrill to Whitley telling the storyof the secret school in his own words.
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