UPDATE FROM DR. LYNNE KITEI – On Tuesday, the Phoenix Lights returned. Ten years ago, on March 13, 1997, mysterious lights were seen in the sky by Dr. Lynne Kitei, who made a famous film about them. As usual, the Phoenix sightings were dismissed as military flares. If that’s the case, these “flares” must have started out in the UK, crossed the ocean to the Midwest and then flown to Phoenix!
Dr. Lynne writes: “There was a huge sighting of light formations last night in Phoenix, similar to the mass sighting. My very first sighting of the close orbs was February 6, 1995, the eve before my birthday. What an amazing birthday present this is as well!” In the Arizona National Ledger, Michael Amsterdam quotes FAA spokesman Ian Gregor as saying, “From what we were told, about a half dozen F-16s out of Luke AFB were operating at the range. They were practicing ground attacks and that involves the discharge of flares.”
Dan Brawner, American Chronicle that on Sunday, February 4, reports that “red and blue lights flashed in the Midwestern sky. Alarmed citizens frantically phoned law enforcement officials all across Missouri, Wisconsin [and several other states].”
In the UK, the Islington Gazette reports that on February 1st, “People screamed and cars came to a halt when dozens of mysterious lights hovered thousands of feet above [the town].” A half hour later, similar mysterious orange lights were seen in another town, miles away. The Gazette quotes a witness to the sighting on as saying, “They were coming from the north and moving south. And then they kind of stopped and they were hovering. There was no sound. They seemed to fade away and I saw more coming and then they stopped. It lasted about 10 minutes.”
UPDATE: Dr. Lynne adds this: “I was not in Phoenix to catch this new sighting first-hand. I have gotten over 100 emails wth conflicting explanations including flares to actual ships being seen by Phoenix residents on Feb. 6th. Whatever it was, this ‘event’ is certainly raising awareness, which is a good thing, although it is a bit frustrating that some of the news stations are…neglecting the fact that thousands witnessed a silent mile- to 2-mile-wide triangle formation of lights that seemed to be attached to something or an actual craft that traversed throughtout the entire state for many hours on March 13, 1997. [Despite the fact that] I wasn’t there to see this new sighting, I will continue to investigate. By the way, I understand that even though the military did say they were running these flare drops all week, no one witnessed anything last night [February 7].”
Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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