According to a new study, creative genius and criminality express themselves when men are in their 30s, but both are turned off when a man gets married and has children. Psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa says, “Scientists rather quickly desist (from their careers) after their marriage, while unmarried scientists continue to make great scientific contributions later in their lives.”
Criminal behavior peaks around the same time. Juvenile delinquents are overwhelmingly male, and start on the road to crime in their teens. But those with good marriages usually go straight, while unmarried criminals continue their crime careers.
Kanazawa believes the male competitive urge to attract females, driven by testosterone, is the driving force for scientific and criminal achievements. “They do whatever they do in order to get laid,” he says. After a man settles down and gets married, his testosterone level falls, and so does his scientific or criminal output.
Albert Einstein said in 1942, “A person who has not made his great contribution to science before the age of 30 will never do so.” Einstein created his most important scientific theories while in his 20s. Kanazawa thinks the dampening effects of marriage are the same for geniuses in music, painting and writing, as well as in science and crime.
Was Hitler an evil genius?or a nut?
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