This week on Dreamland, guest host William Henry takes us on an unforgettable journey into the secrets of Alchemy and Kabbalah with renowned teacher David Goddard. As Dreamland listeners know, our hosts are experts, and they know who is the real thing and who isn’t. Listening to this week’s program, you will learn genuine truths about Alchemy and Qabalah from a real master. And if you subscribe to, you will hear another master, Whitley Strieber, probing David Goddard’s mind for his knowledge of how to access other levels of reality. David specializes in the practical applications of the Qabalah, Alchemy and Transcendental Magic. His teachings enable others to experience the reality of the Higher Worlds, and so awaken their latent bliss and compassion. Then Linda Howe reports on crop circles in the US, and the gorgeous, amazing formations appearing this summer in England.
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