There’s a reason why it’s harder to remember things than it used to be: you’ve got TOO MANY memories stuffed into your brain! But there’s an easy trick to use when you want to remember something: it has to do with moving your eyes.

New research explains why people who are able to easily and accurately recall historical dates or long-ago events may have a harder time with word recall or remembering the day’s current events. They may have too much memory?making it harder to filter out information and increasing the time it takes for new short-term memories to be processed and stored.

The kinds of things that most of us are forgetful about are people?s names and where we parked the car. In, Melinda Wenner quotes psychologist Stephen Christman as saying, “Let’s say you’re leaving a mall after a long day shopping and you realize, ‘Oh God, I can’t remember where I parked my car.’ Would it help you if you stood there in the parking lot and just wiggled your eyes back and forth for 30 seconds?” The surprising answer is “yes!”

Researcher Andrew Parker discovered that moving your eyes from side-to-side for 30 seconds causes the two hemispheres of the brain to communicate more readily, which is necessary in order to retrieve certain types of memories. So if you want to remember something, use your eyes.

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