Mysterious lights are being seen in the sky all around theworld?and one was even from the Space Shuttle Columbia, justdays before it blew apart on February 1st, 2003! Some of theplaces the lights have been spotted are Indonesia,Australia, the U.K. and the US, most recently California.Have you seen any strange lights in the sky? Write and let us know.
Maggie McKee writes in New Scientist that after the spacelights were caught on video by the Columbia crew on January20, they transmitted the video to NASA. Israeli astronomer YoavYair spent more than a year analyzing the video. A singleframe, lasting less than a second, shows a mysteriousreddish glow in the dark sky. He calls it “somethingextraordinary,” and says it is not a lightning storm or ameteor.
Residents of Shropshire in the U.K. reported seeing a”massive beam of light” in the sky. The Shropshire Starreports that the UFO-like light was first seen around 6 a.m.on Wednesday, January 19. In California, Roger Hillis writesin the Coast Press Reporter that a husband and wife becameaware of a strange light that followed them for almost anhour on November 26th. When Teresa Alexander filed a UFOreport at Pater Davenport’sNational UFO Reporting Center, shefound that there were many other witnesses.
Maybe we should startlisteningto extraterrestrials. (We have only 3 copies left of thiswonderful book.
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