One of the major criticisms of the film “The Day AfterTomorrow,” inspired by Whitley Strieber and Art Bell’s book”The Coming Global Superstorm,” was that climate changetakes place slowly, not suddenly, as it did in the movie.However, Whitley’s research uncovered facts such asnow-extinct mastodons that had been quick-frozen with plantsstill in their mouths, proving that ice ages arrivedsuddenly in the past. A new Greenland ice core backs thisup. Scientists recently discovered the remains ofquick-frozen plants embedded in the ice, two miles below thesurface, that are several million years old.
The plant material, which is embedded in clumps of reddishmaterial and looks like pine needles, bark or blades ofgrass, will be analyzed in several laboratories. ResearcherDorthe Dahl-Jensen says this indicates the entire GreenlandIce Sheet “formed very fast.”
Investigator James White says, “If confirmed, this will bethe first organic material ever recovered from a deepice-core drilling project.” The ice cores also containtrapped gas, which will also be analyzed to help researchersdetermine what the area’s climate was like for the past123,000 years. Dahl-Jensen says it comes “from a time whentrees covered Greenland.”
This discovery means that the superstorm is out there, andthat its power is truly awesome.
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